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Maximizing Your Studio's Potential™ Series for brass

This program is everything you will ever need to evaluate achievement, manage progress, motivate practice and increase productivity in the college-level studio setting. Whether you are a student or an instructor we have the tools to facilitate skill assessment and progress management. Nothing like this has ever been compiled before: subjective student-driven assessments, objective skill evaluations, semester goal sheets, targeted assignment logs, resume building logs, progress charts and graphs offers the ultimate in structure and organization.

All materials were pilot tested with students and professors at the University of Arizona, where they found the program to improve motivation, communication, assessment and organization, as well as effectiveness and efficiency in the practice room. Professors were also pleased with the flexibility of the use of the program. Instructors with differing teaching styles are thus able to adopt some or all portions of the program in order to fit their own unique needs. So if all of this is overwhelming, just use the sections that work for you and your students!

Quick Overview
of the
Entire Program!

Instructor's Manual:

Student Log Book:

Resume Resource Binder

Grading & Scheduling Program



Kelly Thomas
Professor of Tuba/Euphonium
Director of the Pep Band
University of Arizona

“I’m hooked on ‘Maximizing Your Studio’s Potential’ and the corresponding ‘Student Log Book’! I highly recommend the whole series to anyone who would like their studio teaching to be more efficient and structured. My students in the Tuba/Euphonium Studio tested these materials in a pilot study and the benefits were immediate. I have several students who also use this book for teaching at the high school level - it works well to help the students stay on-task during their individual practice sessions. The combination of tools for assessment; goal-setting and organization are very thorough, and are flexible in the ways in which they can be utilized. This program really is the complete package for organized and effective teaching in the studio.”

Michael Anderson
Professor of Trumpet
Wanda L. Bass School of Music
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma City Philharmonic
ITG Board of Directors, Editorial Committee Member, Website Reviews Editor
TPIN Administrator

"I LOVE IT! I think it's a brilliant system and I can't wait to
start using it with my undergrads next semester. I especially appreciate how
complete whole program is. It does a great job of assessing and tracking
essential skills from the first semester to the last. As a college trumpet
professor I have found there are often elements of a student's playing that
slip by me as a teacher because we are focusing on so many things at once. I
believe "Maximizing Your Studio's Potential" will assure me that
there are no skills slipping through the cracks."

Marc Reese
Empire Brass - Trumpet
Lynn University - Chair, Brass Dept.

"I highly recommend Julie Patton's Maximizing Your Studio's Potential. It is a wonderful tool for students and teachers to track a student's progress, accomplishments and help to motivate intelligent practice sessions that are goal oriented. These books are very well laid out, contain great detail and are appropriate for students of all levels. The skill evaluation tests correspond with the most popular method books for each instrument (Arban for trumpet, trombone and tuba/euphonium and Kopprasch for horn). Julie Patton has given the music world another great tool with which to work!"

Donald L. Hamann
Professor and Coordinator of Music Education
University of Arizona

"Finally - A Guide to Facilitate Student Interaction!
Maximizing Your Studio's Potential: The Student Log Book by Julie Patton opens the door to an interactive guide that enables students to more fully understand their abilities, take responsibility for their own progress, and better understand the path upon which their performance goals and objectives are based. Students using Patton's guide will find they can create, develop, and/or reinforce meaningful dialogue with their instructors. Student and instructor awareness, focus, assessment, and development are all facilitated by this text. I highly recommend it for every student studying a brass instrument.

Maximizing Your Studio's Potential: Instructor's Manual by Julie Patton is an outstanding guide that can help both teachers and students realize the full potential of each lesson. The manual assists the instructor and the student in identifying goals and objectives for every lesson - for the semester - for the year. Student skill evaluation and practice analysis is also provided. This manual can aid in the development of productive lesson assignments and offer less subjective assessment possibilities. It creates an atmosphere in which the student and the instructor participate in the learning process and helps each student better realize his/her potential in the studio situation."

Deanna Swoboda
Assistant Professor of Tuba and Euphonium
Western Michigan University

"I found your materials when I was looking for my next Tuba Methods Class book. I went to Hickey's and your materials came up next to the text I was ordering. I decided to order the teacher version, loved it(!) and decided that it will be included in the required materials for my students next year. Thank you again for all of your hard work with this project. It's GREAT!!!"

Michael Short, Reviewer, Drake University
New Materials Column, ITEA Journal Volume 32:3 (Spring 2005)
Published quarterly by the International Tuba Euphonium Association

"I don't know about the other teachers who do the same thing I do, but I am not known to be the most organized person who ever taught. I was very resistant to any attempts by my college instructors, especially those in the education department, to any kind of lesson plans, long range planning or even evaluation of students. It seems to me that grading and organizing studio lessons has always been a kind of "seat of the pants" sort of thing. Along comes this set of materials. I wish the timing had been a little better - I got this in the mail right after juries, and this review is due before the next semester starts. Thus, there is no field - testing involved in this review. I have to imagine how this would work, or take the word of University of Arizona professor Kelly Thomas when he says he is "hooked".
So, looking at this, I can imagine that this would work very well, at whatever level of intensity you wanted to use it. You can jump in all the way, or use parts of it as they seem to work for you. One aspect of the material that I have been headed toward for a long time is that of an Initial Assessment by the student, where he/she rates themselves in areas such as rhythm, sight - reading, flexibility, low range, and so on, then that is compared with the results of a Measurable Skills Test that the teacher administers at the beginning of the semester. (For this you need the Arban book appropriate for your instrument, or Kopprasch in the case of horn). The teacher and the student discuss goals for the term, then it's off to the races, with a Weekly Lesson Log that the teacher fills in at each lesson, then the student fills in the amount of time practiced during the week on each aspect of playing that was worked on, and can note the kind of warm - up skills that were used. The practicing can be totaled up in a Weekly Practice Log, and then that can be applied to a Yearly Practice Graph that over time shows the tendency of the student to practice (or not, as might be the case).
It doesn't end there. There are pages in the Student Log Book for Article/Book Assignments, Listening Assignments/Recordings Studied, Concert Attendance, Master Class Performances, Method/Etude Books, Solo Literature, Orchestral Excerpt Literature, even a form for listing Gigs! There are even more forms in the book, and you might consume a lot of time filling them in. This would be more than I would want to see, much less ask my students to fill out, but there are certain aspects of this, like articles, books, and listening assignments that I have thought about asking my students to do, and this would be the opportunity to do it on an organized basis. Even by me."

Jeffrey Snedeker
Book and Music Reviews Editor
The Horn Call, Vol. 35, No. 3 May 2005

This teaching resource is very timely considering the recent emphasis on outcome-based education. The premise is simple‹to organize skills that are measurable, develop a plan to acquire them, and provide a means of assessing their acquisition. Faced with this challenge myself several years ago, I put together a set of outcomes for my own purposes. As a result, it was very stimulating to see a different view of how various skills are identified and what recommendations are offered for measuring progress. Identifying and quantifying these skills and the means of progressing toward them also empowers the student to participate in the process itself, whether keeping track of practice sessions, assessing progress (with stated objectives), even grading.

Ms. Patton¹s Student Log Book is designed to be used over a calendar year. In it, we have many opportunities to chart progress: following the instructions of how to use the book, we are presented with a Skill Area Checkoff Sheet which, in conjunction with corresponding questions, serves as an initial assessment; Goal Sheets, which identify skills and places to record goals for the upcoming term; Weekly Lesson Logs (52 of them), with space for assignments and time spent; Logs for other assignments of reading, listening, etude books and materials, solo and orchestral literature, performances, masterclasses, concert attendance, clinics, and other things that are nice, even important, to have records of; Monthly Practice Logs, to assess longer term practice; Assessment instruments, including initial assessment and two progress assessments, assessing measurable skills, subjective skills (intonation, tone, phrasing, etc.), diligence (assess effectiveness of practice, etc.), professional development (including performances), motivation (including goal-setting and focus), and learning styles (assessing what worked, what didn¹t).

The Instructor Manual helps explain the process of assessment and logging of activities. It also offers recommendations on how to use/integrate this resource with teaching. Teachers and students who have gone through the formulation of outcomes may be interested (as I was) in the way Ms. Patton has gone about this, using Kopprasch etudes, for example, as a means by which specific skills can be measured and progress charted. A trumpet player who began formulating this resource as a graduate student at the University of Arizona, Ms. Patton has also included similar means of assessment for all brass, using Arban studies for skill acquisition and assessment for the other brass instruments.

Obviously, there is a lot to contend with here, and a lot to question in terms of one¹s own take on what skills are needed and how one might acquire and assess them. For those new to this way of organizing and assessing materials and progress, using this particular resource will take some getting used to, but the concepts are sound, and the logs are helpful in identification of specifics to then teach/learn toward. I strongly recommend this for teachers who need some sort of outcomes template but whose pedagogical training has not included this sort of assessment experience. I also think that many students will benefit from having this sort of guidance and structure in organizing their practice time and setting goals with confidence.

As a result, I believe this is a very useful resource, whether as new information or as another view on outcomes and skill assessment for brass instruments. J. S.

More reviews in the June 06 ITG Journal, and the July 07 ITA Journal (vol.35 no.3)


About the Author:

Julie Patton has taught 14,000+ lessons in the past 20 years. She has been a band director, performer and university instructor. Julie has a Masters in Trumpet Performance from the University of Michigan where she studied with Armando Ghitalla and Ramón Parcells, and is currently completing her PhD in Music Education at the University of Arizona. Julie created the Chop-Sticks™ embouchure strengthening system for wind instrumentalists, which can be found at

Instructor Books and Materials
Student Textbooks and Materials

Maximizing Your Studio's Potential:
Instructor's Manual: Brass by Julie Patton


Maximizing Your Studio's Potential: The Student Log Book: Brass by Julie Patton

Product Discription:

This intructor's manual is the companion to The Student Log Book: Brass. It contains an outline and description of the entire program, with teaching implementation and learning outcomes explained. This manual also contains a unique set of objective Measurable Skills Tests* for each brass instrument. Testing of skills will allow the student better understanding of their abilities on a scale of 1-5, and will provide tangible goals and motivation for improvement. The 1-5 scale corresponds with the student assessments found in the Student Log Book: Brass, but could also be used alone. Appropriate for the advanced high school brass student, though it was designed with the college brass studio in mind. (65 pages in 8.5 X 11 spiral bind for ease of copying tests for in-studio use only)

Price $19.95
(see Book Rate shipping info here)
EXAM & DESK COPIES -click here
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ISBN 0-9762902-1-9

*To implement the Measurable Skills Tests, you must have access to the Arban or Kopprasch - Click here for more details


Product Discription:

This brass studio textbook contains an encyclopedia of logs, charts and graphs, a set of student assessments, a skill check-off sheet and 52 weekly assignment logs with flexible targeted semester goals. Can be used by the brass student alone or in conjunction with the instructor's manual. Contains 4 semester goal sheets and 52 lesson sheets that can begin at any point in the school year. Appropriate for the advanced high school brass student, though designed with the college brass studio in mind. (200 pages in 11 X 8.5 spiral bind for ease of writing on stand)

Price $24.95
(see Book Rate shipping info here)


ISBN 0-9762902-0-0



Maximizing Your Studio's Potential: Grading & Scheduling Computer Program


Maximizing Your Studio's Potential:
Student Resume Resource Binder

Product Description:

For easy customizable student management.This program contains a calendar, a weekly & monthly scheduler, and provides grading capabilities for assignments such as: lesson preparation, masterclass participation, juries, attendance, performances, written assignments, listening assignments, etc. Keep track of borrowed items and lesson payments for those that teach privately. Suitable for everyone who teaches lessons - any instrument, any level - check it out!

Program Compatability and Purchase Information


ISBN 0-9762902-3-5


Product Description:

This binder, for all musicians, is the companion to The Student Log Book, but can be used alone as well. It contains specialized dividers that correspond with the logs. Sheet protectors, business card holders, and CD/MiniDisc holders are included so the musician can organize programs, CD and MiniDisc recordings, business cards, professional head shots, recital pictures, certificates and awards throughout their career in one easy-to-find resource. These materials are necessary for job interviews, auditions and graduate school. Instructions on how to utilize this binder included as well as bonus material: Professional Tips On Maximizing Your College Experience .

Price $44.95

ISBN 0-9762902-2-7




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